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Basic Green Juice

Vibrant green goodness!

I truly enjoy how green juice tastes and feels, and have enjoyed trendy cold pressed juices on occasion since my early 20s. You may have heard about the Medical Medium celery juice phenomenon a few years back, and this juice is one way to enjoy the benefits of not only celery juice, but other living whole food ingredients that help boost the taste, vibration, health benefits and nutrition, like lemon and ginger. Miracle cure or not, you’re bound to feel energized, powerful and light when you drink green juice or a smoothie.

Celery juice can help heal and activate the gut by restoring hydrochloric acid, helping with the digestion of high quality protein and keeping our energy levels high during it. It can help lower blood pressure as well as reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) with its 3-n-butylphthalide. Apigenin in the celery can help kill cancer cells... the power of nature’s wisdom.

It’s a refreshing and relatively nourishing drink, but I don’t recommend chugging this day in and day out as too much of a good thing is still possible. For best results, enjoy as Medical Medium recommends plain celery juice: first thing in the morning on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before a nutrient dense breakfast. Or not. You decide.

Cold pressed juice does spike glucose (especially if using high GI fruits) since the precious plant fibers are removed from the juicing process, but I don’t make it every day, and when I do, I balance it out with grounding high quality protein such as a grass fed and finished, regeneratively pasture raised steak. You know, yin and yang.


  • 1 or 2 whole bunches of organic celery, bases sliced off, roughly chopped

  • 1 organic Granny Smith apple, cored and chopped (just because it’s tart and enhances the flavours, but any variety will be interesting to taste)

  • 1 organic lemon, cut into large chunks, peel sliced off. The pith has many benefits, no need to slice it off!

  • 1 large organic English cucumber, chopped

  • Handful of organic parsley, kale or cilantro, chopped. Hell, you could even use fennel, dandelion greens, chard/silverbeet, or mustard greens.

  • 1 small knob organic ginger, roughly chopped (depending on how spicy you like it. Too much and the taste might get strong. Add more celery or cucumber to dilute it if this happens.)


Any functioning juicer or blender will work.

  1. Rinse and chop everything and run it all through a juicer into a glass or Mason jar. No added water necessary.

  2. Enjoy the juice right away for the most benefits, or seal the jar with a lid and store it in the fridge for 3-4 days (shake before serving!).

  3. Optional: simply blend all ingredients in a blender if you do not have access to a juicer. Strain it through a cloth, reserve the pulp for crackers, and enjoy the pure Source energy.


  • This recipe makes enough to fill 1 large Mason jar. Cleaning a juicer is a pain in the behind, so I like to make large batches at once to enjoy throughout the week.

  • Save the pulp for making oven crackers later. The pulp has so many benefits, don’t waste it.

  • Cold pressed juice is most effective when consumed fre$h. Enjoy right away if possible! Of course, to save time, you can pre-cut all your veggies beforehand.