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Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble

My parents have a giant rhubarb plant that comes up every spring, and there’s always something to make with it every season. This crumble is one such recipe. It utilizes tart flavours that contrast with the sweetness of maple, just like the nostalgic sugar dipped rhubarb that many enjoy, but way less caustic than refined sugar. Enjoy this wholesome crumble with a big scoop of pure coconut yogurt or homemade raw/grass fed ice cream.

Ingredients for the fruit base

  • 2 cups organic strawberries, cubed

  • 4-5 organic rhubarb stalks, diced 1-2 inches (don’t eat the leaves)

  • 2 heaping tbsp pure organic maple syrup

  • 2 tsp organic ground Ceylon cinnamon

  • 1 tbsp organic unfortified ancient grain or GF flour of your choice (einkorn, teff, spelt, fife, or what have you… I could only find almond flour and though it lacks the glutinous texture created by grains, it works fine, too)

  • 1 tsp organic ginger, grated with a Microplane

  • juice of 1/2 organic lemon

Ingredients for the crumble top

  • 1 cup activated raw walnuts

  • 1/2 cup organic sprouted GF oats (or other GF flour like cassava or coconut)

  • 2 tsp organic ground Ceylon cinnamon

  • pinch of fine sea salt

  • 1/4 cup organic virgin cold pressed coconut oil or grass-fed butter (soft)


  1. Mix, then stew the fruit ingredients in a saucepan. Simmer on medium, stirring occasionally. You can skip the stew part especially if you’re using a soft fruit like strawberries, and just melt down the coconut oil with the spices on the stove. If using a tougher fruit like apples, stewing everything might be a good idea to soften it all first. Remove from heat and pour the fruit mixture into the bottom of an 8x8 (approx.) baking tray or something similar.

  2. Make the crumble. In a food processor, blend everything up except for the coconut oil until fine and crumbly. Remove, then mix it all with your hands in a bowl along with the coconut oil until it turns into a clumpy mess. Sprinkle the crumble evenly over the fruit in the baking tray.

  3. Bake at 375 F for 15-20 minutes or until top is golden brown (but not burnt). Enjoy warm or cold.