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Tart Cherry Melatonin Sleep Gummies

I really enjoy these tart cherry melatonin sleep gummies, not only as a tasty bedtime snack, but also as a natural aid for good quality sleep. I already sleep like a log on the regular, but I still enjoy them every so often just for the extra benefits.

I try to consume a source of clean gelatin daily, whether it be high quality bone broth, meat booked on the bone, or these gummies. It provides proline and glycine, 2 amino acids used in the production of collagen, supporting healthy skin, and the glycine can help detoxify Glyphosate! There are so many health benefits of gelatin but sadly, hospitals tend to serve it in the form of processed Jello. Fortunately we can avoid the harmful food dyes and processed sugar while still enjoying the texture and taste of these AMAZING gummies, made with love.

Grass fed gelatin will enhance your hair, skin and nails as well as support your tendons and joints, rounding out nutrition by providing beneficial amino acids glycine, cysteine and methionine that even the highest quality, grass fed and finished muscle meats cannot provide. Glycine is essential in the production of the liver’s primary phase II detoxification enzyme, glutathione. Gelatin is one of the richest dietary sources of glycine, which can balance out the spike in blood sugar from the nutritious fruit juice/maple/honey.

Don’t even get me started on raw honey’s benefits. Raw local honey from your local beekeeper (not processed/made in a lab/factory) fights inflammation, boosts the immune system, supports wound healing, soothes the skin, fights allergies, and fights cancers. It is a true gift of our human heritage that carries a high vibrational frequency. Just don’t feed honey to kids under 1 year old, and use pure maple syrup instead if you need to.

Drop the melatonin pills and enjoy these tart cherry melatonin sleep gummies for relaxation, transcendental REM and deep sleep waves while avoiding artificial light at night.


  • 2 cups organic tart cherry juice

  • 1/2 cup grass fed gelatin powder

  • 1/4 cup raw local honey OR pure maple syrup (basically a big spoonful I find is enough)

  • 1/8 tsp sea salt

  • 1/4-1/2 tsp magnesium chloride flakes or dropper (MgCl2)

  • 5-10 drops blue lotus tincture (optional), or any mix of adaptogenic/nootropic herbs you prefer


  1. “Bloom” the gelatin with tart cherry juice for a few minutes in a small saucepan. (Simply stir and let it sit so it becomes wet/congealed).

  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and heat gently on the stove over low, about 2-3 min. or just until it gets viscous and dissolved. Stir! DON’T OVERHEAT and keep an eye on it because you’ll want to avoid heating raw honey beyond 37 degrees since it becomes toxic according to Ayurveda.

  3. Pour the mixture into silicone moulds (I used heart shaped), or a coconut oil/grass fed butter greased glass or ceramic dish.

  4. Refrigerate 2 hours to harden. Pop the gummies out or slice into cubes. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week, they get mouldy quite easily, so enjoy while you can!

Effect of tart cherry juice (Prunus cerasus) on melatonin levels and enhanced sleep quality