The Vital Life Cookbook

The Vital Life Cookbook is a completely self-published ebook, a comprehensive presentation of the Greenbelt's seasonal cuisine. Release date soon.

The Vital Life Cookbook is a project born out of the intention to strengthen local food literacy where I currently live, and empower those who resonate with it. I’m a health nut at heart, and I wanted to offer this compendium of some of my favourite regional recipes made with natural foods. You don’t need to be a chef to nourish yourself well! I hope it inspires you to welcome nature into your life, create more of a balance wherever you go, and take back your power, create connections, food sovereignty with small scale, decentralised local systems, and increased self-sufficiency with healthy, sustainable, delicious meals.

The forests and wild places of Turtle Island/Canada offer so much. Whether it’s hunting, fishing, gathering wild herbs, berries and mushrooms, or growing a garden to give back in return, we can recalibrate our nervous systems and create greater joy and satisfaction in harmony with the elements and the highest respect and reverence for the earth. Nourish yourself and live a fun, expansive, creative and fulfilling life.

The Vital Life Cookbook embodies the synthesis of science and mysticism. Cooking with seasonal, wild, ancestral, regeneratively grown ingredients brings the UV light information from your latitude into your cells, and informs your metabolism, circadian clock, and more. May these recipes help rejuvenate your mind, body and soul, thriving in all circumstances.


Editorial design

Food photography


Recipe development


Root & STEM Magazine