Tips for Natural Sun Exposure
Summer is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere, and as you may know, I’m a huge advocate for safe, regular, adequate amounts of sun exposure on bare skin for those who can handle it. Getting more regular full-body sun exposure on the skin can utterly transform your life for the better. You will begin to understand human liberation with the natural world on a deep level, and our natural state of compassion, cooperation, exploration and curiosity over fear.
Wasaga Beach, 2021
Outdoor sun exposure need not be restricted to the warmer months - in fact, it’s better to be exposed to the sunlight all year round on a regular basis to strengthen your tolerance, as is well established in Ayurveda, heliotherapy, and essentially all ancient healing systems. Circadian health begins with you, today. Every disease, and in my opinion, undesirable and unfulfilling lifestyle, is linked to circadian breakdown. Most people from industrial society seem to live in a limited state, suppressed and sick: depression, infertility, cancers, sedentarism, isolation, sterility, dysfunctional relations and consumerism, soul disconnected from the body. I used to be a total goth (and still kind of am on the inside) and felt uncomfortable in the sun in the years before I changed my life, no longer wanting to live out the same patterns as my family. Sunlight clears the mind and lifts the mood. If you want to heal, be free, and go for your dreams in this life, begin by following the full spectrum light and cycles of the sun as I did.
A famous Twitch streamer (indoor gamer), Ninja, was recently diagnosed with skin cancer at 32. As Dr. Jack Kruse and The Blue Light Diet always emphasize: it is riskier to live an inflammatory, toxic, indoor, circadian disrupted lifestyle than it is to clean up your life in alignment with your goals on this earth and absorb consistent full body sun without burning.
The evidence is very clear that sun exposure to the point of sunburn/peeling/blistering increases your risk of certain types of cancer, BUT sun exposure within your skin’s range of tolerance (no sunburns) is actually associated with a REDUCED risk of essentially all major types of cancers.
Everyone is unique and will have a different tolerance, so take what you will from this and live life on your own terms, following YOUR intuition with the revolution of everyday life in a post-truth world. This is what I personally do:
Clean up your lifestyle. Implement zero tolerance for:
smoke (tobacco, cannabis, vapes, etc.)
usage of tech screens after sunset which confuses the body (use blue light blocking glasses, f.lux app on your computer, and red tinted bulbs past sunset if necessary)
most drugstore personal care products. Use eco-friendly, low-tox alternatives instead
unfiltered chlorinated tap water for drinking and cooking, including shower water and manufactured pool water
industrialized vegetable and seed oils
harmful, materialistic, polluting, distorted celebrity/model/influencer/fashion magazine (and even ‘alternative’) beauty standards, cosmetics and personal care, and most stuff in drugstores
conventional cologne and perfumes, toxic fragrances and other industrial chemicals in detergents and cleaners (go eco-friendly and low tox!)
ultra-processed foods (I personally ONLY eat whole foods, 99% organic, even when nomadic)
conventional dairy, soy, corn and wheat (Glyphosate/gluten)
sucrose and artificial sweeteners
unactivated (unsprouted) nuts, beans, seeds, grains, rice and legumes
low quality commercial animal foods
fear-based media and messages
Do this and you will vastly reduce your inflammation and toxin levels, and likely feel like a whole new human being ready for high agency living, as well as sunbathing. You will likely burn less easily and be able to spend more time in the sun with the energizing, healing power for our life and biology - like we humans were meant to, all along.
Note the emphasis on bare skin, fellow ladies/those with wombs. To ignore the pull of beauty standards and marketing while exploring body neutrality, body luxury, and returning to your soul is to recognize your inherent worth and reduce the stress response for a rewarding life of ease.
-Sunrise and morning light is rich in UVA and some of the most healing light that helps your body, especially if you’re faced with illness. Early morning light prepares your skin and body for more intense light later in the day (like at solar noon with the higher UV index)
-Get as much sunlight on the skin and in the eyes as possible (obviously don’t look directly at the sun, but take glasses/sunglasses off and look at the brighter parts of the sky, even on cloudy days)
-Morning light is richer in infrared light than UV light, making it easier to absorb stronger sunlight later in the day if you do this
-Infrared light is present from dawn until dusk, at all times of the year, cloudy or not. Sunlight directly on your skin builds EZ (4th phase, coherent cellular) water in your body. It is negatively charged and highly structured. Our cells and extracellular matrix require this water for energy. Many things deplete it, including indoor living and wi-fi radiation, which is why it’s so important to get infrared light onto your skin regularly throughout the day
-Most sunscreens are carcinogenic chemical bombs that seep into your pores and bloodstream (systemic absorption), implicated in estrogenic-induced cancers (Biochemical Pharmacology, 165, 256-268 Mattos, R. M., et al. (2019)
-Sunscreen “enables” you to spend longer amounts of time in the sun, but this promotes sunburn
-Sunscreen decreases your valuable vitamin D production
-Sunscreen reduces your natural protective tan/solar callus
-Sunscreen runoff poisons our environment and water systems
-If you absolutely must use something for extremely long periods outdoors, consider a non-nano zinc formula, such as the low-tox ones by Living Libations
-When you’ve had enough sun, simply cover up with clothing or get in the shade. This is safer (and much less hassle) than slathering on sunscreen!
-Eat seasonally according to your latitude. Learn to cook and source homegrown, locally sourced, organic, regenerative foods with the highest integrity and deepest reverence for Mother Earth. Eat only during sunlight hours. All cellular signaling is circadian-based, and essentially all we eat is light information.
-Increase your local food sovereignty while you’re at it
-The zero tolerance list from above ties into this. Cook with biologically appropriate fats: grass fed and finished tallow, lard, duck fat and ghee. Stop using industrial vegetable/seed oil, olive oil (since most of it is fake), and even coconut oil (though virgin cold pressed organic coconut oil certainly has great uses and could probably be cooked with on occasion). This will likely mean no eating out at cafes or restaurants which often use these toxic oils, not to mention Glyphosate-ridden produce, low quality factory farmed commercial meats, and tap water. In a pinch, the app called Seed Oil Scout can direct you to slightly better establishments
-It all comes down to local light. Food is essentially light information the food is grown under, and factory/lab-produced food never sees the light of day aside from maybe the delivery process
-Use your nourishment not to be ‘clean’ or obsess over ‘purity’, but to mindfully and expansively reach your goals and live your life with the power of the sun
-Whole food plant based ingredients as well as high quality animal foods (grass fed and grass finished, pasture raised), including ruminant meats, eggs and wild seafood/bivalves will help improve your sun tolerance, as well as removing inflammatory triggers from your intake (ingested, topical, or vibrationally/energetically/socially). Healthy hormone production will not happen without balanced blood sugar, and reducing stress will support digestion
-Sunburn is essentially inflammation and oxidative stress produced by the UV light spectrum, as well as poor redox status (redox is your ability to deal with oxidative stress)
-My diet is nearly 100% organic and all whole foods, full of variety, and I don’t do drugs or alcohol. I avoid pharmaceuticals whenever possible. Intuitively, I have a pretty high tolerance for sun exposure, and can withstand longer periods without burning
-Industrial society can seem very much like a factory-farmed world, but traditional omnivorous foods (high quality organic and regenerative, ethically grass fed/finished, pasture-raised, containing CLA, etc.) work better with sunlight exposure on your skin and eyes, helping create full body health that’s almost like a Faraday field, a transformed way of life, and improving your skin to achieve a glowing, smooth texture from the inside out. Ultra-processed foods were likely invented to weaken and subdue the population. Take from that what you will.
-High quality eggs, seafood, goat dairy, red meats, organs, bone broths all support the human body and help you burn less and less
-Vitamins A/D/E/K, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, biotin, folate, B12, collagen, sulfur, boron, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine, methionine, cysteine, glycine, lysine, taurine, and molybdenum (activated beans), and boron
-Wild seafood intake is major, since a proper omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acid ratio balance is essential to your baseline inflammatory state
-Salmon including the skin, oysters, cod, whole cod liver (not the oil), salmon roe, and scallops are great for SN-2 DHA (not vegan DHA), essential for your skin and eye photoreceptors to take in the full light spectrum to fuel your mitochondria, especially if you work a tech screen job like I do
-Beginner: sunrise/morning sunlight at least 30 minutes, then sunset/evening at least 30 minutes. Expose as much skin as legally possible, with special focus on light through the eyes (don’t look directly at the sun of course, but look at the brighter parts of the sky to take in the full light spectrum), as well as face, and front and back of neck
-Intermediate: sunrise/morning sunlight, then midday/solar noon for just 5-10 minutes initially, then sunset/evening
-Expert: whenever and wherever you want to expose yourself to sunlight
Note: the darker your skin tone, the longer you’ll need to expose yourself under midday sun for vitamin D production.
-The phone app called Dminder can be a useful tool to track your exposure and levels while informing you about the best times to go outside at your location. Know your Fitzpatrick skin type and you’ll be able to time it appropriately
-Start with small durations initially, be consistent, and don’t force it as sun damage is indeed what contributes to melanoma. Go inside or cover up well before you start to feel yourself burn
-Do not miss sunrise and sunset as they are most important for setting your circadian rhythm
-In the cold dark winters of the Northern Hemisphere, it may be useful to engage in red light therapy if you cannot expose yourself to the actual sunrise and sunset, or if you have certain health issues. There are many red light therapy devices available on the market, as well as infrared saunas
-Candlelight is also very fitting and romantic during the winter - the association with romance is hardwired into our biology. It is easy to say we live in a world deprived of magic with its harsh, unhealthy LED lighting and bright/artificial lighting which increases cortisol and decreases GABA/melatonin, delaying the sleep phase and increasing stimulation, not conducive to physical intimacy
-We would do well to remember our basic human need for warmth and intimacy, our connection to the earth and fertile soil, return of the soul
-Stop flooding your body with dead water and drinks that are void of minerals, and instead nourish with mineral-rich fluids and EZ/coherent cellular/structured, properly RO filtered or natural spring water (visit to harvest your own pure water, usually for free)
-Drink organic coconut water, grass-fed goat kefir, raw dairy, gelatinous bone broths, organic cold pressed juice, high quality spring water possibly with added mineral salts, and/or eat ripe local fruits
-The red/infrared and UV light from the sun creates coherent cellular (EZ) water within your cells. The UV light interacts with the iron in your red blood cells to form its own magnetic field by moving blood via nitric oxide production, similar to a Faraday shield, an important force in today’s world
-This should ideally all be done in addition to as much time as possible grounding/earthing with the Schumann resonance (barefoot directly on the earth, or camping in a tent, sunbathing on rocks, swimming in natural bodies of water, etc.)
-Adaptogenic herbal medicines all share antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties while improving your body’s resilience against all stress, including heat and cold exposure
-Herbal supplements can include cold pressed black seed oil, astragalus, bacopa, blue lotus, rhodiola, shilajit, chaga, reishi, tonic herb blends, and so on
-Tonic herb blends (à la Traditional Chinese Medicine) are combinatorial formulations that can be very useful especially in today’s Western world
-Magnesium is an important cofactor in the synthesis of vitamin D from both exposure to sunlight and dietary sources. Magnesium deficiency actually shuts down the vitamin D synthesis and metabolism pathway
-Aside from the elimination of inflammatory triggers and including the full profile of micronutrients in surplus, topical application of magnesium chloride (through pores) is an important factor when it comes to sun support
-Magnesium helps the body stay hydrated, essential to your body’s redox status, and helps to cool down when overheating, as well as protecting against some of the inflammation/oxidative stress
-Other electrolytes for hydration are sodium, potassium, and phosphorus (inositol-phosphate). Some people like to include small amounts in drinking water since dead or demineralized water saps your body of these essential electrolytes
-If you ever start feeling dizzy or light headed, go back inside and have some magnesium in drinking water, or even a pickle to rehydrate
-Magnesium is abundant in ocean water. Sun and sea is the basis of genuine health
-Magnesium chloride supplementation can also support you against the effects of nnEMF radiation exposure on your VGCCs (voltage gated calcium channels)
-Can be used like a light sunscreen
-Coconut oil has a natural SPF of 5
-Cold pressed virgin coconut oil can be applied to the skin before sun exposure
-The saturated fat also absorbs into the skin helping it moisturize and recover/repair
-Bare eyes and as much bare skin as legally possible are essential for taking in the full spectrum light information at any time of day
-When I’m making time to absorb the sunlight, I always take off my prescription glasses when it is safe to do so
-Contact lenses, prescription glasses, windows that aren’t made of quartz, and sunglasses all block UVA/UVB light, which not only leads to many ocular diseases, but also creates a myopic barrier between you and your natural surroundings
-It is important to be as fully exposed to the sun as possible to reap the benefits of full spectrum sunlight
-Some believe that a tiny amount of vitamin D is absorbed by the eyes, while the majority is from the skin, so exposing it to the full spectrum light is important. Any contact lenses would hypothetically block this negligible amount of vitamin D absorption
With your diet and lifestyle adjusted, living a life more in harmony with nature, the more positively your skin will react to sun exposure. The sun should begin to feel good, and the more you’ll be able to handle based on your recent level of exposure. Any ‘sunburn’ of red skin disappears the next day instead of blistering or peeling. Do all of this and watch your entire life, and that of the whole world, transform.